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Writer's pictureSarina Shrestha

Zine Brainstorm

Despite the fact that I have never created a Zine before, I think it looks like so much fun, and making the first one that we made in class was an exciting and funny experience for me. I want to make my Zine interactive with the people seeing it. I'm not sure what the idea is yet, but I do know I want the viewers to feel captivated and feel like they are inside the Zine. The concept I am thinking of is that since music is something that I am very interested in, I think it would be great to see my Zine shaped like either a phone where you can swipe on playlists, or a microphone where images would be displayed as music notes. Due to the fact that this is my first time writing a Zine, I would like to start with a basic one to get a feel for the process, but I eventually want to learn how to make more advanced and challenging ones. I've read books where it is the choice of the reader to create the story, from beginning to end, and I think that would be a cool feature to add to my Zine. Another interesting and fun element I wanted to incorporate into the design was wrapping the words around the images. I've done some photoshop and dig art classes in highschool, but I'm excited to learn new skills in this course. We will see what I end up designing, but I hope it will make everyone have fun seeing it.

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